Sunday, December 13, 2009

Herpes And Stomach Problems Is This A Genital Herpes Outbreak? Please Help!!!!?

Is this a genital herpes outbreak? Please help!!!!? - herpes and stomach problems

I was recently diagnosed with genital herpes. I've never had an outbreak of genital organs, only once. but often receive these bumps that fill with pus and the same cluster of herpes. I have this often. I went to the gynecologist to see put on suppressive therapy, so that he can prevent outbreaks, I told the DR, the problem of them, like my stomach, thighs and buttocks, and said that it was not that herpes is a different matter, and would see a dermatolgist why. The cousin a little confused the whole time, I thought that herpes was the cause for these groups. I have no idea whether anyone advice or knows anything about the subject I would appreciate it! I'm so confused, just need someone to give me feedback thank you!


Rivergir... said...

As has been diagnosed with genital herpes? Do they have a stamp? Or just a blood test? Your doctor - or a dermatologist - may be a sample of these groups to determine if they have herpes. This is the most reliable method to determine whether these things have genital herpes, and it seems that we have someone who will not have to.

If they are a blood test, then do not really know what this rash. It may be a symptom of herpes, can be linked. Heck, you can have HSV2 in my mouth, and do not have genital herpes at all. Blood tests can be difficult this way, because you say you have herpes, not where you have herpes.

And if by the users of their injuries are diagnosed and say "look like herpes to me there, then to be on a test culture. Diagnostics visuals often wrong.

You can genital herpes be somewhere near the genitals, even in the buttocks, back and thighs. The nerves affected by the virus (and therefore where the wounds shown) has almost everywherebe covered by a pair of pants. Your gynecologist should know - and you can examine, move, a physician to more competently, honestly.

Do not go down this way you can get the required treatment.

And for more information about genital herpes, I recommend the website below. There is reliable information on herpes.

Good luck.

Julie R said...

You can also use the doctor for a viral culture bosses (you need to do in a day or two of them) up to determine if that is what it is. This is the only way they know whether or VHS. Why docs do not know? Sheesh.

who said...


who said...


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